Friday, October 12, 2012

The Eye Beholds...

This is not for the faint of heart, but today we got to dissect a cow's eye in anatomy! I'm not going to lie, it was pretty cool. And as a quick disclaimer, the eye did come from a cow that was already dead and was donated by the owner to the teaching hospital.

The full globe of the eye

Our eye dissected. You can see the tapetum, which is the iridescent part on the inner part of the globe. This is what makes animals' eyes appear to glow in the dark. Primates do not have a tapetum. You can also see the lens on the right, which is ringed in black and stuck on the vitreous humor, the gel that gives the eyeball its shape. On the left is the choroid body, which change the shape of the lens and allow it to adjust. On the other side of the choroid body is the iris and cornea.

The lens.

Jenn holding our dissected eye =]

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