Friday, May 18, 2012


It's ironic to me that after counting down for 16 straight weeks to get to my summer vacation I'm bored. I knew this would happen, so it's not too surprising, but it is annoying. Don't get me wrong, the first couple days of being able to sleep in until noon and spending the entire day in my pajamas was awesome. But now I'm itching to do something again. It's the same problem I had over winter break. After going non-stop for so long it's hard to just stop cold turkey. And in my boredom I've resorted to some very interesting past times... like buying leashes to take my lizards on walks and make a dress for Sydney to wear in my wedding. And no, I'm not joking. I have pictures to prove it.

And it doesn't help that I have too much time to spend on Facebook now, where I see posts from all the third years posting about their rotations. Well, they're fourth years now technically, which is insane. And they've already finished their first out of 16 rotations. Granted, a lot of their posts are about being tired and wanting to sleep, but they're also about awesome surgeries and cases and I cannot wait to get my hands on that. Sitting on the couch is definitely dull in comparison. I've considered buying some of my textbooks early to start reading them, just for fun, but I think that would make me just a little too much of a dork. But it's also dorky of me to do a happy dance at getting into the equine therio elective I wanted, so maybe it would actually work for me. Plus boredom and a laptop is a recipe for disaster, and by that I mean the temptation for online shopping. I've also been doing a lot of cooking, and as soon as I get some cupcake baking pans I'm going to work on nailing crazy decorated cupcakes shaped like penguins, horses, and spaghetti and meatballs.

If I'm sounding a little crazy, you wouldn't be the first to suggest that, so I won't be offended. I am just not meant to have a lot of free time on my hands. That's why I need the crazy schedule of vet school. Their craziness overrides mine.

I've been thinking a lot about calling up the Iowa tribes eagle rehabilitation center to volunteer, because I think that would be awesome. But after the wedding I need to concentrate on finding a paying job first. And then hopefully I'll be able to do that. And then maybe with a hectic job schedule and volunteering I'll feel normal again. But until then I guess I'm going to continue all my little side projects.

And just in case you didn't believe me... Sydney in her dress and going for a walk in the park.

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