Saturday, January 14, 2012

Vacation... Sort of.

After waiting to be able to sleep and have a break for sixteen weeks, I bet you thought after finals all I would do is sleep and eat and live in pajamas. That’s what I thought, so I can’t hold it against other people if they thought I would be a slug too. And admittedly, right after my last final, which happened to also be one of my most dreaded, physiology, I did go home at about 10:30 in the morning and have a beer. And then I had a Harry Potter marathon with some more beer. I made it through movies 1-6 before I fell asleep on the couch and thought I’d better pack to go home. It was a good day.
But that was the only day where I can really say I did nothing productive all day. It’s like I don’t even know how to not be busy anymore. I actually got bored after watching 2 hours of television once I was home. Bored. How do I get bored after not being able to watch anything for nearly 4 months? I still don’t understand it. 
And at the very end of my vacation, when I really should have been making the most of my chance to relax, I ran around from errand to errand from about 9:00 in the morning until 11:00 at night. Why did I schedule everything in the last two days? Mostly because I’m a procrastinator, but also because apparently I don’t know how to relax anymore. The worst part is that I think I was almost at my happiest when I was running around doing all of these errands. 
I think in one day I went to David’s Bridal to look at bridesmaid dresses, went to church to talk to a priest about pre-marital counseling, went to talk to a florist, went out to dinner with my family and Mike’s, and then went over my grandparents place to talk and say goodbye. And of course none of these places were very close to each other, and none of the appointments were under an hour. But now I seem to thrive on productivity, even as at times I hate it.
In fact, I was so sure I was going to be more productive that I made it a New Year’s Resolution to be better with my studying habits, so that I wouldn’t have to cram so much right before exams. I thought I would study every night (or, as I called it in an effort to convince myself, review) to keep on top of everything. 
Notice I said thought. Because here I am, just one week into my second semester, already with 2 quizzes to study for, and I have done no studying and only one out of three of my reading assignments. And I read the shortest one. The other two put me to sleep on the couch, both times that I attempted to read them. Maybe I can only be super productive when I don’t have to be.
It’ll be interesting to see how this semester goes.

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